Monday, February 06, 2006

Freakonomics is Freakagood

Can I suggest to ya'll that you read Freakonomics as soon as humanly possible?

It's quite entertaining....I, being the wild man that I am, normally go to bed like 10pm, shut the lids like 10:45pm, start the snore at 10:46pm. Not last night my friends. Last night I dove into Freakanomics and i was awake and readin' until 11:26pm.

Among other kewl ideas, Steven Levitt explains that the sky rocketing U.S. crime levels of the mid-90's didn't drop because of new Policing tactics, or public awareness campaings....but because of the 1972 ruling on Roe v. Wade in the U.S. Simply put, fewer "likely criminals" were coming of age in the mid-late 90's then had been in the late 80's early 90's...because fewer "likely criminals - kids of single, poor, uneducated, drug addicted mothers" were being born.....that's wicked AND weird.