Tuesday, October 17, 2006

Went to the chapel and I gone and got mar-ar-ar-ried

Hey there,

So guess what I did last weekend (well, not the most recent last weekend, but the weekend previous to last weekend). Did the title give it away? Yup, I'm now an official Mr. with an equally (if not better looking) official Mrs.

Married life has changed me in was I'd never expected........well, okay, so not much has changed beyond the TW's (Trophy Wife) last name....that, and the dog now feels much better that he's no longer a bastard. (though, he's still a lil' bastard...the lil' bastard ATE THE WALL 2 days before all the visitors from Centre of the World arrived for the wedding....lil' bastard).

The TW says I should change the ol' Blog a bit, maybe chronicle us a bit more...the goings on and the what nots. I'll think about it, and you dear reader, will be the first to know of the changes.

Until then, I need to sharpen my skates.....

Tuesday, July 18, 2006

Good Fences Build Good blah blah blah…

Yes, I know…haven’t been on here in a coon’s age. Not that there’s like 10’s of readers waiting on my every word. I’m not exactly sure what that saying means, but I hope it not patently racist…..you know, in Australia, they sell Coon brand Tasty Cheese. Mmmmm-mm Tasty Cheese – it’s like cheddar, only beddar.

Anyways, back to the point of all this…I’m building a fence at the ol’ homestead, so as to prevent the little escape artist from bolting to pee about the neighborhood. Yes, wee pup will be locked behind 6ft of painted spruce privacy fence. And boy am I a handy man! Darn near put a power screwdriver through my thumb the other day…looks like I’m a half-Goth with my blackened nail polish now.

Oh, and for you faithful readers (eh-hem…yeah, right!) who might be interested, the inspiration for this blog, the ol’ A-H Sprite, has made the long trek west and is awaiting official approval from the province before I can start barreling around the streets of this fine city. Had it appraised…some how in the 10 or so years since it was last appraised, it’s lost $800 of value….how often does that happen with antique cars!

Until then mes amies….

Thursday, April 06, 2006

S'been a long time since I rock 'n rolled...

Kay...so I haven't spilled the brain in a bit.

1) Ungo - many apologies! Your customer service turned out to be wicket. Mucho gracias!

2) Winter is gone. Long live sunshine. Here's hoping I get my act in gear and get the little green beast out of the garage ASAP.

3) Why am I addicted to shopping for shoes? Damn you shoes! You will be my down fall yet!

4) Are you sad that Eminem is divorcing his wife that he re-married 3 months ago after divorcing her? Yeah, me either......

5) Alberta politics are finally interesting....I've been here 3 years, and only now is it getting fun! It's like watching 6 beagles chase each other around the neighbourhood peeing on stuff....."Mine!" "no, Mine!, called it"...."That's mine!"....and all us constituents are covered in pee!

That is all, end transmission.

Saturday, February 25, 2006

Ungo is Ungood

So after I bought the black beauty that is my truck, I had some dude (okay, a car audio installation professional) put in a starter imbolizer and power door locks....the starter kill was made by Ungo. Fast forward 3 years (approximately today), and note that the stupid FOBs no longer work! And guess what, Ungo won't replace them. They don't even have extras floating around that I could purchase. I am left with a keyless entry and security system installed, but I can't use it! And, this is the best part, even if I wanted to install say a remote starter made by Ungo, they can't integrate the two!!

What a pant load of customer service and quality design that was!! So, heed this cautionary tale - Dungo near Ungo.

Saturday, February 11, 2006

The dog is Krazy

Like, electronics store sell out, Krazy, he'd rather sell it then count it Krazy. The trophy wife and I just, to satisfy his jones, stood one at the top and one at the bottom of the stairs. We then took turns "scaring" the dog to run up and/or down the stairs....b/c this is what he likes to do. Now he's panting like a Million Dollar porn star...which is kinda gross....and I just had to surgically remove a roll of Hemp Rope from his mouth....Krazy dog.

Monday, February 06, 2006

Freakonomics is Freakagood

Can I suggest to ya'll that you read Freakonomics as soon as humanly possible?

It's quite entertaining....I, being the wild man that I am, normally go to bed like 10pm, shut the lids like 10:45pm, start the snore at 10:46pm. Not last night my friends. Last night I dove into Freakanomics and i was awake and readin' until 11:26pm.

Among other kewl ideas, Steven Levitt explains that the sky rocketing U.S. crime levels of the mid-90's didn't drop because of new Policing tactics, or public awareness campaings....but because of the 1972 ruling on Roe v. Wade in the U.S. Simply put, fewer "likely criminals" were coming of age in the mid-late 90's then had been in the late 80's early 90's...because fewer "likely criminals - kids of single, poor, uneducated, drug addicted mothers" were being born.....that's wicked AND weird.

Just a Gigalo, every where he goes....

So....anyone follow Canadian politics? David Emerson, formerly of the Liberal clan, this morning crossed the floor to the Conservative party to become the newly minted Minister of International Trade. As yet, there hasn't been a lot of cat calls from from the stands. I haven't yet heard Tony Abbott refer to Emerson as a "power hungry Gigalo"....but here's hopin'.

I guess what's good for the goose, ISN'T in fact good for the gander.

................When the end comes I know/ they'll say just a gigolo/ as life goes on/ without me.........

Tuesday, January 31, 2006

They're just givin' away jobs

Who wants one? Jobs for eveyrone!....from today's Globe and Mail. Come 'on out...Ralph's even found a way to make winter go away.....geez, we sure are luck to have YOU Ralph....

Alberta short 100,000 workers

Tuesday, January 31, 2006 Posted at 8:13 PM EST
Associated Press

Edmonton — A new Alberta government report projects a shortfall of 100,000 workers over the next decade in the province's super-heated economy.
The report calls for a stronger push to train more workers and better recruitment programs to lure more people into the work force, including aboriginals.
There's also a renewed call for relaxed federal immigration policies to allow more skilled workers to come to Alberta from outside of Canada.
Alberta's booming oil sands region has been complaining for several years about a lack of tradesmen to help build more than $100-billion in new projects over the next two decades.

Fancy Tops

Looka those fancy guys. Never before have 3 men worn cotton-polyester blend sweat shirts with more style and/or grace.